Friday, May 15, 2009

Boo Boo

This, gentle reader, is what you get when you don't do tasks the right way even though you know full well what the correct procedure is. Hand sanding of rough wood can be done without collecting a nice fat splinter under the fingernail, but you must pay careful attention to each change of direction.
After spending a lovely evening at the urgent care center in Mechanicsburg, Nancy treated me to ice cream at nearby Rakestraw's, which has been keeping the locals satisfied on summer nights for about 100 years. When we first moved here 30 years ago, we'd walk the few blocks over there quite often. It was good to return, and the boo-boo felt better.


  1. Sorry for the boo boo. Wear gloves and don't work when tired.

  2. WOW! I can comment now! Cool dude.

  3. Good ice cream is a healer. Next time ... electric sander?

  4. I'm glad to see the "comments" is actually working. I dusted the electric sander off to use next time -- no more old school!
